If you're wondering what I am about -- it's going to be a long story. I am not going to pretend and say, "Oh, I'm really a simple guy" --- because I am not.
On the other hand, I tend to say things on my mind without the slightest hesitation, and that attitude has gotten me into a multitude of trouble. But I would rather that you know how I feel about things, and I would rather that you be the first to hear what I feel about anything; than hear it from someone else, which may or may not be the complete truth.
I think it is a total insult and disservice to whoever or whatever created us to limit ourselves within the confines of our own human-made dogmas. Throughout the history of this planet, the only thing that is constant is that "nothing is written in stone."
Men have always sought to control others. That alone should be a red flag to everyone that whatever bullshit men come up with --- it's nothing but bullshit. Yeah, I am a so called "man", but I am tired of being labeled a man when there are so many things I do not agree with that my fellow men do, and there are so many things that I am sick of perpetuated by men. Somehow women are not allowed to have the same latitude as men do, and I am not fucking okay with that.
Life would be much much better if men are not in control. I am not saying that women should be in control either. Why do one or the other have to be in control in the first place? Let's just fucking love life. Is that so hard to do?
That's what matter the most.